Corporate Social Responsibility
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is used to describe how an organisation looks beyond their initial day to day business (students, staff, our customers) and acknowledge that their actions have a wider impact. Undertaking a programme of CSR based activities encourages organisations to operate in a more sustainable, charitable and ethical way.
Implementing conscientious business ethics and social responsibility into our business objectives was not a one-size-fits-all approach. We identified different initiatives which we felt would deliver the best impact for our business.
Below are a few of the activities we focus on to become more socially responsible, working in an ethical way to make a positive impact for our staff, learners and stakeholders:
- Waste Management
- Recycling
- Energy efficient gas and electricity use
- Eco-friendly production processes
- Raising charitable donations to social organisations in our local community
- Employee volunteering initiatives
- Employee Health Safety and wellbeing
- Safeguarding of learners
- Improving staff working conditions
Inspiring Learners
We have built our reputation on high quality delivery of Apprenticeships and other associated learning programmes and courses. Each year we train over 2000 learners across our many training programmes, helping them gain valuable qualifications, work experience and getting them on the right path to start their chosen career. In fact over 80% of our learners progress onto a job or further training, an achievement that makes us very proud.
Our learners receive the very best support from our dedicated and specialist teams and have access to some of the best training facilities in the country.
Inspiring National and Global Businesses
Our commitment to providing first-class quality training has developed strong and long-term relationships, with both national and global businesses. We work in close partnership with them as their trusted training provider, to deliver bespoke commercial training courses, services and Apprenticeship courses, across multiple industry sectors.
Our core focus is to understand our customer’s needs and to develop training solutions that will reach and supersede their desired outcomes and ultimately improve operational efficiencies.
When developing training solutions, we work with our customers every step of the way and continuously measure success throughout the delivery, to ensure they see maximum return on investment./policies/sustainability-policy
Training 2000 Ltd Sustainability Policy Statement
Training 2000 has benchmarked and demonstrated its commitment improving its impact on the environment since 2009 through its certification to ISO14001 and has renewed that commitment every 3 years, the last time in 2021 with certification to the latest issue of the standard ISO14001:2015. We are set to renew that commitment once again for a further 3 years in March 2024, extending our certification to 2027.
Our environmental policy is reviewed and refreshed every year in line with a commitment to continual improvement, the latest version of which is held on the company SharePoint site, the company intranet and internet sites.
In addition, and in order to comply with the ESF requirements we have a sustainability policy which supplements our environmental policy.
Our Responsibility
The responsibility for these 2 policies rests with the company directors, managers and all employees. Every decision-maker in the business integrates health, safety, sustainability, environment and climate change considerations into strategic and day-to-day decision-making processes.
Our Commitment
We are committed to protecting the environment through prevention of pollution and continual improvement of our environmental performance, maintaining full compliance with all relevant legal and other requirements demonstrated by annually maintaining certification to the benchmark standard ISO14001.
We are committed to providing a safe and health workplace for our staff and learners with continual improvement of our Health and Safety management system, maintaining full compliance with all relevant legal and other requirements demonstrated through independent audit by annually maintaining certification to the benchmark standard ISO 45001
We will promote good governance throughout the organisation, whilst actively encouraging and monitoring responsible environmental, social and economic performance by our staff, learners, suppliers and contractors.
Our Objectives
We regularly review our specific objectives on health, safety, environment and sustainability, publishing our performance against these objectives working at all times to a process of continual improvement, refreshing or updating objectives each year.
All our policy reviews, and the results of our performance will be communicated to all staff, published annually on the company internet and intranet sites through the corporate social responsibility strategy document (CSR), and managed by the HSE department.
Health Safety and Environment
With our long tradition for the delivery of quality training and skills to our learners and employers, we believe that we can influence and set the example which helps them to strive for excellence in health and safety performance and influence change through our staff and learners which improves our wider environment.
We believe good quality training needs outstanding Health, Safety and Environmental performance if we are to change the future needs of our world.
Key Objectives – Health and Safety in 2023 -2024
To ensure all learners continue to learn in an environment where they feel safe and are safe.
- To continually improve and to achieve and maintain outstanding Health, Safety & Housekeeping standards which prevent ill health or injury to staff, learners, visitors and contractors
- To maintain certification of ISO45001, to achieve a successful 3year recertification audit for ISO45001 in March 2024, delivering continuous certification to 2027
- To promote employee wellbeing throughout the company
- To maintain a Zero RIDDOR accident culture.
- To continue to minimise / reduce minor accidents year on year
Key Objectives- Environmental Strategy 2023 -2024
- To continue to identify and implement improvements to reduce the company’s impact on the environment.
- To maintain certification of ISO14001, to achieve a successful 3year recertification audit for ISO14001 in March 2024, delivering continuous certification to 2027
- To continually review environmental innovations & investigate whether these can be incorporated in the company to further reduce Training 2000’s carbon footprint
- To continue to gather energy data and identify more opportunities to save energy.
- To ensure we work to the hierarchy of waste management, minimising waste and maximising recycling
Training 2000’s Commitment to Workplace Wellbeing is Demonstrated Through
- A comprehensive suite of Health and Safety policies & procedures, developed from the Health & Safety Policy, are in place, reviewed annually and communicated.
- Strong management of absence and return to work ensures staff feel that the company cares for their welfare after time off work through illness.
- Provision of an employee assistance programme.
- Provision of occupational health support.
- A commitment to flexible and hybrid working patterns wherever possible to aid a better work life balance.
Reducing the risk of accidents
- Training 2000 will continually aim to ensure that staff are able to work in a safe environment which reduces risks as far as is reasonably practicable.
- We believe that fulfilling the requirement of the Management of Health & Safety Regulations 1999 in carrying out suitable and sufficient risk assessment, and ensuring measures are put in place to control any hazards, we can reduce and maintain our accident rates at the lowest possible with the ultimate target being zero
- Employees and our learners are involved in the risk assessment process to ensure everyone is aware of the hazards in our workplace and the control measures put in place to control the risk of injury are designed to reduce the risk to a low a level as practicable.
- The company encourages the reporting of even the most insignificant injury.
- We recognise that only by investigating accidents can we identify the ‘at risk’ behaviours in our work place and address these so that we can us drive towards a zero-accident environment
As of July 2023, it has been 5 and a half years since the last RIDDOR in an operational area / workshop, classroom or office.
We have had 1 RIDDOR accident in 5 years in a non-operational area (e.g. corridors / stairs/ carparks)
Accident Rates – 40 minor accidents reported in 2022 – involving learners (engineering and automotive workshops) typically minor cut / abrasion or bruises to the hand.
Scroll or swipe on small screens to see all table columns
Year |
2018 |
2019 |
2020 |
2021 |
2022 |
Period |
Full year |
Full year |
Full year |
Full Year |
Full year |
Number of Employees |
240 |
200 to May 160 after May |
150 |
150 |
150 |
Total Hours Worked |
468000 |
342000 |
292500 |
292500 |
292500 |
Total number of accidents |
55 |
46 |
14 |
26 |
40 |
Non - reportable accidents |
54 |
46 |
14 |
26 |
39 |
Total RIDDOR reportable accidents |
1 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
Number of RIDDOR specified injuries |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
Number of Fatalities |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Total accidents per 100,000 hours (AAFR) |
11.75 |
13.45 |
4.7 |
8.9 |
13.7 |
RIDDOR accidents per 100,000 hours (AFR) |
0.21 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0.34 |
Health, Safety and Environment reporting
- A regular Health Safety and Environment update is produced for all staff published on the intranet
- In order to comply with our certification to ISO14001, ISO9001 and ISO45001 a formal Quality, Health Safety and Environment management review is held annually with the senior management team. Following delivery this is published on SharePoint for all staff to access.
- The board are informed of HSE progress via annual governance reports.
- Managers communicate health and safety at team meetings
Environmental responsibility
We are continuing to reduce energy usage through all buildings with the introduction of LED lighting in classrooms. Our objectives are to continue until we are fully converted to LED lighting. Being a charity, we recognise that we have to manage our finances well and this cannot be done immediately. With the introduction of new boilers and heating systems over the recent years we have also reduced our energy usage significantly. All staff are continuing their efforts to reduce the company's carbon footprint. The challenge now is to maintain the improvements and continue to gather energy data and identify further opportunities. With co-operation, commitment and understanding from all our staff and learners we will continue to reduce the company's impact on the environment.
LED lighting01 / 02
Our Blackburn site will continue to deliver significant savings in gas usage. We have continued to review heating practices and acting where necessary. Due to COVID 19, site shut down and lower capacity on site we saw a reduction of 16% from 2020 to 2021. 2022 saw an increase towards pre-covid levels yet still around 5% LESS than 2019 as hybrid working has become the norm for the majority of our staff
Since 2018 staff have significantly reducing the use of paper We have reduced our paper on site by 90% by the end of 2022
While some extra reduction may have been added to by low numbers on site due to covid, increased move to electronic records, and introduction of hybrid working, this will be monitored closely going forward to ensure this reduction is maintained.
A greater use of email and a reduction in the numbers of printers on site with new software which minimises repeat printing. Also, double sided printing, one file and better management of stock have all contributed to this fall. Staff are being encourage to save documents electronically instead of printing them off.
In 2020 Training 2000 started measuring our water usage and reviewed our public charges for water.
Using our contractor and implementing changes to our water system, we have seen reductions in usage and savings of £27k to Jan 23
Since achieving ISO14001 in 2009 we have exceeded our original target of reducing electricity by 5%. Year on year we continue to reduce our electricity across all sites. We have developed initiatives around lighting replacements and shutdown procedures to review out of hour’s usage.
From 2020 to 2021 we reduced our electric usage by 28%. In 2022 we were still seeing a reduction in usage of 26% based on pre-covid levels. 2023 is seeing a slight increase however still below pre-covid level.
Training 2000 are constantly trying to reduce the amount of waste produced and recycle as much of this as possible. Training 2000 employs a waste management company Suez, to manage all general waste on the Blackburn site. Suez are also certified to ISO 14001. The company see Suez as a responsible partner, who uses the latest technology and practices to help maximise recycling or energy recovery of waste.
Hazardous waste continues to be managed effectively across all sites. It is stored safely around sites in designated areas when it needs to be held on site, without incident and disposed through our reputable waste management provider Neale’s Waste (also ISO14001 certified).
To minimise the use of petrol & diesel the company transports learners, wherever possible, using its fleet of minibuses which has now been reduced from 5 to just 1. The company has reviewed its company car fleet, opting for vehicles with energy efficient engines, delivering around 70+ mpg on extended trips and reducing numbers to four pool cars.
Future plans to reduce our environmental impact
- Training 2000 will continue to address its responsibilities of not only the individual but also its obligation that businesses have to respond to calls from government to reduce the impact on the environment, reducing the company carbon footprint in order to minimise the effects of climate change
- Training 2000 has achieved and maintained the Environmental Standard ISO14001 since 2009, having put in place measures to reduce use of fossil fuels by using electricity and gas more efficiently across all the Company’s sites and minimising use of paper.
- In 2021 We transitioned to the H&S standard ISO45001 from our existing H&S standard, BSOHSAS18001 giving us certification until 2024
- In 2024 we will be working to achieve recertification to ISO14001 , ISO45001 and our other standard ISO9001 for a further 3 years to 2027.
- We think that maintaining these benchmark standards demonstrates our strong commitment to continually improve our management systems in Quality, Health, Safety and Environment
Employees and Learners
Training 2000 Limited is fully committed to the principles of equality and diversity in employment and training. We will aim to ensure that no employee or applicant for employment is treated less favourably on the grounds of colour, race, age, nationality or ethnic origin, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability, creed, offender background or marital status or any other condition which cannot be shown to be justifiable.
We strive to create learning and work environments which support and retain the best employees, who are motivated, flexible and committed to our learners and employers. We aim to be the employer of choice in our sector and create a culture and environment to nurture innovation, growth and potential within our people.
Business Ethics
Training 2000 Ltd strives to continuously adhere to a strict code of business ethics that are based on our values: customer, people, quality, investment and partnership.
All staff have a responsibility to uphold the brand reputation of the company, recognise equality and diversity when conducting business and hold close to them trust and honesty as an integral part of the Training 2000 culture.
Our approach to diversity in the sectors in which we work is tailored to local culture and heritage. We believe that the diversity of our programmes is essential to offer the right solution to both individuals and employers alike.
We endeavour to ensure that we have the balanced mix of gender and ethnicity within our workforce and we actively encourage diversity in our recruitment process for both learners and staff.
Safeguarding Learners
The Company views Safeguarding of paramount importance and an integral part of its operation. This responsibility and commitment is articulated and explained within the safeguarding Policy and its referenced associated procedures.
The Company is committed to continuously promoting a strong culture where everybody understands the importance of safeguarding and demonstrates this in everything that they do.
The safeguarding policy document has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of all relevant legislation, and is issued for the direction, guidance and information of all key stakeholders who are included in the scope of this document.
Safeguarding is defined as protecting the health, safety, security and well-being of everyone who is encompassed within the scope of Training 2000’s business in accordance with all relevant legislation, regulations and best practice.
You can find our safeguarding policy here
We will endeavour to safeguard learners by:
- Valuing, listening to and respecting them
- compliance with our legal duty in keeping children safe in education
- Complying with our duties under Counter Terrorism Security Act 2015 including ‘Prevent and Channel’
- Involving learners in decisions which affect them
- Ensuring all concerned are aware of and committed to the safeguarding policy and child protection procedures
- Providing a safe environment for learners
- Sharing information about concerns with relevant agencies
- Recruiting staff safely, ensuring all necessary checks are made
- Adopting a code of conduct for all staff
- Providing effective management through induction, support and training.
- Ensuring staff understand about ‘whistle blowing’
- Dealing appropriately with allegations/concerns about staff
Apprentice support and wellbeing advisors
Training 2000 has apprentice support and wellbeing advisors who:
- Undertake learner support activities with at risk learners
- Provide information, advice and guidance to learners
- Liaise with operational teams in the identification of at-risk learners
- Keep operational teams up to date with the progress of at-risk learners
- Support operational teams in the collection of learner feedback
- Contribute to and support the learner voice across the business
- Liaise with external agencies in the support of learners as appropriate
Social Inclusion
Training 2000 Ltd has for some time supported the local community to engage in training programmes that will lead to future prospects for individuals. We believe that encouraging individuals to reach their potential and gain employment skills will raise the social skills of communities and help the local economy and demographics to continuously improve.
A great place to work
As an ambitious, innovative and well-established training provider, Training 2000 aims to bring out the best in its employees and learners. We employ around 150 staff across a diverse range of occupations and backgrounds, ranging from dental specialists, customer service representatives and training officers across many sectors. What brings us all together is the commitment to our learners and customers and sense of shared responsibility.