Sustainability Policy Statement
“Our sustainability vision for Training 2000 is to progressively reduce our environmental footprint and continually safeguard our staff, learners and visitors”
In accordance with our sustainability vision the company recognises the impact that its day to day activities have on the health, safety and environment and the importance of managing the resources we use. We aim to reduce our resource consumption as a business and promote sustainable practices throughout our organisation and the local environment around our sites. Training 2000 will work to increase the awareness of its sustainability responsibilities with awarding bodies such as Ofsted, ESF, ESFA and all other awarding bodies we work with.
Our Responsibility
The corporate responsibility for this policy rests with the company directors, leaders and all employees. Every decision-maker in the business will integrate health and safety, sustainability, environment and climate change considerations into strategic and day-to-day decision-making processes.
Our Commitment
We are committed to protecting the Environment through continual improvement of our Environmental performance, maintaining full compliance with all relevant legal and other requirements demonstrated by maintenance of the benchmark standard ISO14001.
Training 2000 employs waste management companies that are accredited to ISO 14001, to manage all general, electrical and hazardous waste who use the latest technology and practices to help maximise recycling of waste and comply with all relevant waste management regulations
We are committed to safeguarding our staff and learners with continual improvement of our Health and Safety management system, maintaining full compliance with all relevant legal and other requirements demonstrated by maintenance of the benchmark standard ISO45001.
We will promote good governance throughout the organisation, whilst actively encouraging and monitoring responsible environmental, social and economic performance by our staff, suppliers and contractors.
Our Objectives
We will annually review our specific objectives on health, safety, environment and sustainability, publishing our performance against these objectives always working to a process of continual improvement,
This policy and the results of our performance will be communicated to all staff, published on the company Sharepoint and internet sites through the corporate social responsibility strategy document (CSR), and managed by the HSE Manger.
Review frequency: This document will be reviewed annually
Reviewing officer: Phil Watson. CFIOSH - HSE Manager
Senior Manager responsible: Chris Stott - CEO